Hints & Tips

  • You will be setting up some new usernames and passwords during this programme.
    Record these carefully somewhere discreet (e.g. in a notebook) so that you don’t forget them.
  • Please think before you print - do you really need to print this (or any other) page?
    A folder containing paper copy of each new blog post / instruction will be placed in the staff room for you to share, since reading lots of text from the screen can be uncomfortable.
What does it all mean?
  • If you find expressions such as ‘SEO’ that you don’t understand, try this in Google: define=SEO to find a list of definitions.
How to make a screenshot which you can insert into your blog:
  • Find the webpage you wish to make a screenshot of, and ensure it is maximised (ie fills the whole screen)
  • Find the PrtSc button on your keyboard and press it
  • Press [Ctrl] and [C] – this will make a copy of what’s on you screen
  • From [start] open [all programmes] and [Accessories] and open [Paint]
  • Press [Ctrl] and [V] – this will paste the image of you screen into Paint.
  • Go to [File] and [save as] and save this file in [your documents] with a name that you’ll recognise. Saving as a .jpg is best, but .gif or .png are fine.
  • You need to be able to re-find this image whenever you're browsing from, eg, your blog "insert image" option.