We tell readers all the time that we offer this, that and the other facility or service, but when was the last time we actually performed any of the tasks ourselves, or used any of the tools we make available? If we don't know how our own equipment works, we can't possibly hope to help readers when they come unstuck. Are the instructions we provide adequate?
This week we're following a reader, from registration, through a library introduction, and then through some of the things they do in the library on a regular basis: photocopying, printing, scanning, using the wireless network.
- take staff photocopy card, and made a double sided photocopy (perhaps of this sheet??)- (optional) enlarge or shrink a document (eg reduce to 50% of the original size)
- login (after re-setting your library card if necessary) and add £1 of printing credit
- login to computers with scanners attached, and scan this page
- save the image to a memory stick
- add this image to an entry on your blog with a short commentary on how easy/difficult you found it to use the scanner
Access the wireless network using the library laptop
(overlap with Thing 13 - don't say I'm not good to you!!)
Binding (optional)
- get a few pages of scrap and bind them
write a blog post (containing the image you scanned in the task) about how easy it is to perform all these tasks. What additional information could we provide to make life easier for our readers?
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